Thursday, April 19, 2007

Karen tagged us for this birthday meme. (Thank you, Karen!)
This is Grace's birthday:
April 21st
1) List 3 events:
1509-Henry VIII ascends the throne of England (unofficially) at the death of his father,Henry VII.
753-Romulus and Remus found Rome(traditional).
1952- Secretary's Day is first celebrated.
2) List 2 Births:
1926-Queen Elizabeth II of the U.K.
1729-Empress Catherine II of Russia
3) List 1 death:
1509-King Henry VII of England
We're tagging, Sis. Kristi, and Courtney,:)
Please go over and read Karen's answers:)

1 comment:

Karen said...

I hope you enjoyed finding out this history. Thanks for taking part.