Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Here is a bookmark I counted cross stiched.
My Mom is going to send it to a lady in Newtownards who used to be our neighbor. She is a very sweet, Christian lady. Please pray for her. Her name is Marie.
~ Lydia ~


The Sisters said...

Thats very thoughtful of you! & Its pretty too!!


Autumn said...

That is so pretty! I enjoy doing counted Cross-stitch too. I just started a new project on Monday. I'll have to post some pictures when it is done!

Kristi said...

Lydia, she'll love the bookmark you made for her. What a nice gift!

~Mrs. Kristi

Stacie said...

That is so pretty! I also love your blog design~

steve's statements said...

Hi girls how is everyone, hope you are all well. That is a nice design your mother did, tell your Mom & Dad Pat and I said hello. Thanks for your comments as always they are much appreciated, by the way you are both right Pat is the one on the right, well done! Like the new colours of your site. Be well and keep safe may God bless you and grant you all your needs according to his will....Amen