Thursday, April 26, 2007

Here is some of my birthday presents I got for my 16th birthday:)This flower arrangement is from Dad and Mom.
It will go in my hope chest.
This arrangement is from my Papaw and Mamaw Fox
and Aunt Amanda and her family.
This is the balloon that is attached to the flower arrangement
in the above picture.

And this is my new kitten, we got today. His name is Ivar. (It's a Viking name.)


Kristi said...

Happy Birthday, Lydia.

I love your flowers. They're beautiful. And the kitten is precious!!!!


Anonymous said...

Cute kitten! And the flower arrangements are so pretty! Getting flowers for your birthday is so special!

Kori said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog!!! Happy belated Birthday! What a precious little kitten!

Unknown said...

What a cute kitty! I like its name. I live on a farm and my two mother cats each just had four kittens. I can hardly wait to find interesting names for them! Last year I named one Giovanni!