Friday, November 03, 2006

Hi, Yesterday, we made cookies. We made 3 different kinds: sugar cookies, snickerdoodle, and chocolate chip. Here is some of the pictures of the sugar cookies.Cookies.
In the oven.


This is Grace's masterpiece cookie. Decorating a cookie.


Unknown said...

What fun!
We made cookies on Thursday, too.
We mad some fall shaped sugar cookies. I love snickerdoodles, though! And your cookies turned out beautifully.

~ Ally
HomeSchool Haven of HsKubes' Gal

Kristi said...

Great decorating job. Do you have a recipe for icing or did you use a ready made icing?? If you have a good icing recipe, I'd love to have it.


Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

I LOVE cookies!!!!