Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Here's a photo of our sleepover. It was really fun!


Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

Is Lydia the one missing?
I'm sure ya'll had a great time together!

Jessica said...

Hey, I found your page from Courtney's Blog Page. You live in Ireland?? Wow, that is really neat. I love all the pictures that you put on your page, it must be really pretty over there!!

Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

Hey, you changed your template! :)

Three Sisters Blog said...

Hi Jessica! Thanks for taking the time to visit our blog. We're glad you like it. Ireland is a pretty place to live. We'll be posting some more photos of Ireland soon.
The Three Sisters

Three Sisters Blog said...

We did change are template. We really like yours. The 3 Sisters